9:00 AM -5:00 PM
展演活動 723
靈感計畫 Project Spark
展演活動 723
「 靈感計畫 Project Spark 」


The "Project Spark" exhibition attempts to let the audience see the whole product design, with new thinking, leading everyone into the field of design. The innovative combination to make life move forward to a new generation. With the unique plan, most close to the heart of the design, and sharp changes in the future of the grand ceremony.

為了紀念大學四年自己有所成長,也感謝教授與老師的教導與教誨,本次將於台北華山藝文特區舉辦靈感計畫 Project Spark

In order to commemorate the four years of the university's growth, and thanks to the inculcation of professors and teachers. The "Project Spark" will be held in Taipei Huashan 1914 Creative Park.

本次展覽中,將展出靈感計畫 Project Spark創意產品設計系畢業生的作品科技產品設計文創產品設計、社會產品設計作品總展出有31件,以實體展出的方式向觀眾傳達
靈感計畫 Project Spark進入設計的領域用最獨特的計畫銳變未來

In this exhibition, a total of 31 artworks of science and technology product design, cultural and creative product design, and social product design works of graduates of the Department of Creative Product Design of "Project Spark" will be exhibited, which will be conveyed to the audience in the form of the physical exhibition.
Project Spark enters the world of design and transforms the future with unique plans.

*由於不可抗力因素(包括但不限於COVID-19)的影響,本次展覽活動可能會取消、推遲或更改活動內容。 請提前於本活動官網、「 靈感計畫 Project Spark 」的官方社群平台帳號(如:Facebook粉絲專頁  ig粉絲專頁)查看最新的活動資訊。

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